S.U.C.RE. Logo Competition - Result Decision
The Committee of the S.U.C.RE. Logo Competition would like to thank the participants both for their efforts and the time they have spent for the purposes of the Competition. Further to that, the Committee would like to encourage the participants to continue working towards similar goals:
According to the Committee:
1. All logo proposals submitted were according to the terms of the competition as they were announced in the relevant call
2. All proposals submitted do not comply with the theme and the main goal of the S.U.C.RE. Programme as described in the relevant call and as explained in the creative thinking of the proposals
3. The participation in the Competition was limited and of low interest
Therefore, the Competition that was announced on 2/11/2016 with a deadline on 30/11/2016 and a further extention on 23/12/206, declares the Competition unsuccessful; no proposal was selected.
The proposals remain in the files of the Programme for archiving purposes but the participants can freely use their creations; no copyrights become property of the Programme and AUTh.
The Committee:
Dimitrios Fragos, Professor at the School of Architecture-AUTh
Athanasios Pallas, Associate Professor at the School of Visual and Applied Arts-AUTh
Georgios Kalliris, Associate Professor at the School of Journalism and Mass Communications