
The S.U.C.RE. Project is granted by the Hellenic National Agency (IKY) via the European Commission. The Coordinator of the Project is Aristotle University of Thessaloniki and the consortium is consisted of the University of Cologne (Universität zu Köln), VU Amsterdam (Vrije Universeteit Amsterdam) as well as the Greek Council for Refugees. S.U.C.RE. it is a two-year KA2 Erasmus+ Strategic Partnership in the field of Higher Education. The Consortium’s main objective is to successfully build the necessary guidelines and training material that will allow practitioners and stakeholders to facilitate the smooth integration of students and scholars in Higher Education and society.
S.U.C.RE. focuses on the response of the Universities to the academic needs of refugees/migrants students and scholars and to the formation of good practices guidelines through the development of training modules addressed to voluntary sector working in the field with the specific population. Specifically, the project focuses on the processes required for the proper integration of refugees/migrants (students and scholars) in higher education as well as on their academic support after their acceptance/entrance in a University. In addition, it focuses on the psychosocial integration/support of refugees/migrants and their proper information on legal and health issues. S.U.C.RE. aims at creating educational/training material to be properly used by practitioners and interested parties.
S.U.C.RE. is the outcome of the Erasmus+ Programme call which has been updated to address issues around social cohesion, and the integration of refugees and migrants. Specifically, the integration of refugees/migrants becomes vital as “Europe needs more cohesive and inclusive societies which allow citizens to play an active role in democratic life. Education and youth work are key to prevent violent radicalisation by promoting common European values, fostering social integration, enhancing intercultural understanding and a sense of belonging to a community. Erasmus+ is an important instrument to promote the inclusion of people with disadvantaged backgrounds, especially newly arrived migrants, in response to critical events affecting European countries.” (Page 5, 2017 Erasmus+ Programme Guide)
EC Project Card: https://ec.europa.eu/programmes/erasmus-plus/projects/eplus-project-details/#project/2016-1-EL01-KA203-023651
S.U.C.RE. News
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